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Important legal information

The information contained herein is confidential and privileged information regarding Ventus LLC (“Ventus”) and specific business strategies and investment opportunities owned, controlled, or created by Ventus. By accepting such information, the recipient agrees that it will restrict its directors, officers, employees, consultants, advisors or any other direct or indirect representatives to using said information only to evaluate Ventus proposals and not for other purposes and will not divulge any such information to any other party or use any such information to intentionally circumvent, bypass, or otherwise cause reputational or economic harm to Ventus. Any reproduction or use of such information, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the written permission of Ventus. The information contained herein has been prepared solely for information purposes and is not an offer to buy or sell or a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any security or to participate in any trading strategy. The information contained herein does not purport to provide all the information pertaining to Ventus and its activities and any third party must conduct its own such investigation as deemed necessary and consult its own legal, accounting, and tax advisers in order to make its own assessment.

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